Monday, December 29, 2008

Artistic Clues to Coastal Change

"Nineteenth Century artwork is a useful tool for studying coastal erosion, according to a retired coastal engineer."
Want to read more?
Click HERE to link to the BBC website

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Swiss Glaciers "in full retreat"

"Swiss glaciers are melting away at an accelerating rate and many will vanish this century if climate projections are correct, two new studies suggest."

Click on the link below to read more from the BBC website:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Worried about your impact on the environment?
The way we use the planet's resources makes up our ecological footprint.
Measuring yours takes less than 5 minutes and could set you on a life-changing journey...

Sea Level could rise by 150cm...

"Sea level rise due to global warming will "substantially exceed" official UN projections and could top 150cm by the end of the century, according to a report from the US Geological Survey on the risks of abrupt climate change. Such a rise would be catastrophic, seeing hundreds of millions of people affected by flooding."

Click on the newspaper link below to

Climate Change: The Carbon Atlas

Click on the image above to be taken to
The Guardian's
excellent interactive carbon atlas.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Twelve Years to Halve UK Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Britain should adopt the world's toughest climate change target and slash nearly half of its greenhouse gas emissions in the next 12 years, the Government's new climate advisory committee said yesterday in its first report.

Click below to read more in: